
Were you a rebellious kid/teenager?

i feel like i missed my teenage years rebellious stage, and i sometimes get mad at that fact. I was a very good kid, always had my nose in my book, homework were always done, never got in trouble at school, always did what i was told. I remember pouting when i thought something was  not fair. I remember giving my mom the silent treatment when she did the most by not letting me attend a close friend birthday dinner, for not allowing me to go to school carnival/mardi gras celebration, because we were Christians and this was not part of our lifestyle. 

I wish i had rebelled some days, i would have fun stories to tell new people i meet, and my future kids someday. I wish i had rebelled sometimes, i would not be in class on Mondays hearing about the fun stuff my click of friends did over the weekends and i was the only one always missing, always absent from group pictures of outing.

Tell me about your fun stories and how your parents dealt with your rebellion. If you are a parent, how are you handling difficult teenager?


via Daily Prompt: Rebel

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