
That’s the word that came to me tonight as I was once again dwelling on a little self-thrown pity party. They are quite current these days you know, but I do my best to shift my mind into better things. As I was once again thinking that i am just in motion and not moving into any specific direction, I told myself that perhaps I need to refocus. I often tell myself the lie that my life needs to be in a specific place at a certain age, that I forget that there is more to life than checking little boxes. I gotta try to see the better and bigger picture here.

So tonight, I decided that I need to take a moment and recalibrate myself, give myself a chance to be human and not a machine accomplishing tasks; which I am poorly doing, but we are not going to talk about the “system malfunction “that is my life.

Anyway the word for the moment is refocus. If you have been asking the universe for a sign, here you go. REFOCUS with me this year.

writing challenge…

It is been said, “you are what you eat.” Rewrite that phrase: ” You are what you….”

I would rewrite this phrase and say “YOU ARE WHAT YOU CRITICIZE”

Aren’t we our worse critics. I have heard that what we chose to see in others is a reflection of ourselves. So there…you are what you criticize.

If you had to rewrite that phrase, what would it be and why? I would love to hear from you.

New month, new blank pages right?

I know I need to start somewhere, but it is so much that I want to do that all the ideas get jumbled up in my head. I, therefore, get discouraged because it is too much to do all at once. As it is still the beginning of 2018, and we are still hyped about the idea of changing our ways, new year new me shenanigans, I figure I would feed on the enthusiasm and get the most out of it before it fades. Because it is definitely fading.  I have decided I would make a list of 3 things I want to incorporate in my daily routine this month to ameliorate my life.

  • Going to bed by 11 PM  everyday and waking up at 6 AM. Research shows that you are more likely to be energized and productive the next day if you go to bed early. I seriously need not be tired and yawning all day.  I know waking up super early is difficult, but you get so much more out of the day when you do so. I hate waking up before 9 AM and i hate mornings, so this one is going to be a real challenge. Again, I am not getting any younger, I need to get on with my life. The sooner I start accomplishing more in a day, the better.
  • Exercise for at least 3 days a week. Summer is coming. I am determined to wear a bathing suit this summer. On top of that, I need to be healthier. The older we get, the more important it is to incorporate physical activities in our daily routine. Especially if we have desk jobs. Obesity and diabetes are killing people more and more each day, and I refuse to be a statistic.
  • Stop procrastinating…listen… I am the queen of procrastination-land. I always think I have more time in my hand to do stuff.  I was supposed to be done with this entry 4 days ago…4 days. But here I am rushing to finish it. I guess I like the rush/stress of having to get stuff done in a short period of time. However, rushed work are most of the time not as good as they could be. Hence I will definitely try to do better this month.

There you have it folks. I decided to go easy on myself so i do not get discouraged. One step at the time right. Did you make new year resolutions? How is that going for you?